April 8th, 2010 by melissa

This morning was a nice mellow morning at home. Nicole walked Zoe with me this morning. Justin came in our room bright and early, woke us up but then he fell back to sleep. He heard the Wii come on when Nikki and daddy were playing and he came down. The kids played Wii for a little bit while I got ready. They were playing so nicely and having fun together it was hard for me to make them stop. We played a little bit this morning, mostly in the backyard. The kids helped me clean up the backyard and cleaned the play house (paint brush and water). They aren’t really playing with toys anymore, mostly pretending things, talking to each other, etc. We walked over to Blue Gum to meet some friends from pre school. We all had a great time. The kids played really well together and the moms got to talk a bit. I didn’t want to leave as I was sitting in the shade relaxing while the kids played. We ended up staying way longer than I thought we would, like I said they were having a great time and didn’t want to leave. We ran home and the kids ate lunch as fast as they could then we were off to My Gym. They are having camps over spring break and the kids were so excited to go. It is a drop off for 3 hours. The kids ran in and barely said goodbye to me as they were so excited to play. They told me they played hide n seek, jumped on the trampoline, watched a monkey puppet show, climbed, slid down the slides, and even asked where the ball pit was (they were washing the balls). It is a little expensive to take two kids there but so worth it every once in a while. I got a nice break too. I tried to go clothes shopping, have I mentioned I hate all my clothes. When we got home I convinced the kiddos to take a shower (faster than baths). They pretended to be dogs in the shower and wanted to shampoo their own hair, etc. They were good sports about taking a quicker than usual shower. Then dad came home. The kids played Wii for a bit while I threw some balls for Zoe. I am loving having Zoe here, I really miss having a dog. But don’t miss the guilt of leaving the dog all day. After dinner Nikki and I went over to the library for a puppet show. Justin wanted to stay home with daddy. Justin rode his bike up the path with daddy holding onto the back. Then they went to the park for a bit, seemed to have a really good time. The puppet show was awesome, Nicole loved it. At first she sat on my lap but then moved onto the floor as the show got going. I always like to see how the kids act without the other one around. Nicole wanted to check out a new DVD. So we ran over and she got a Blue’s Clues one then we came home. We didn’t get home until 8:00, so we put the kiddos to bed. And I took Zoe for a walk.

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