April 6th, 2010 by melissa

I didn’t sleep that well last night and now I am so tired. I am just tired all the time! We ran an errand this morning then came home and got ready for play group. It was a small group but the kiddos had fun. The balloons were the best toy ever, so funny. The kids were not behaving that well at lunch. They kept on moving their little table back and forth. Finally everything spilled on the floor. Then they did it again with fewer things falling over. I was not happy. I don’t mind accidents but when it is intentional it makes me mad. With the second time I ended up taking away the Wii. The kids were just bothering each other for a while then started playing nicely. I finished making a certificate for a photo shoot then dog proofed the house for Zoe to come. We played in the backyard for a while. The kids played with their t-ball thing while I cleaned up the yard a bit. It has been windy so leaves everywhere. We got the mail and Nicole got a note from Katie. It was so sweet saying she hoped Nicole felt better. Zoe came over and the kids were so excited. We got out all the dog toys we had and the kids played with her in the backyard. They were really great reminding me she needed water and wanting to brush her. Since it was nice out we went out on the greenbelt. We threw some balls for Zoe. Another friend was walking a dog so we walked a little bit and the kids loved holding Zoe’s leash. They kept running to keep up with Zoe. They were laughing. Dad came home and we came in to make dinner. I love hearing the kids be so excited when dad comes home. After dinner the kids watched a Clifford show. Then we went upstairs and took it easy. The kids threw more balls for Zoe. It took us a while to get them in their jammies and teeth brushed. Then we read a ton of  books, I was ready to fall asleep.

Oh today the kids saw a cricket near the ceiling. They were throwing balls at it to get it down.

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