March 9th, 2010 by melissa

We all got a full nights sleep last night. The kids played this morning and made a mess. We ran to the grocery store to get some snacks for play group. The kids were great at the store. Nicole wanted to carry my purse and Justin pushed a little cart. We got home and the kiddos rode scooters around the house and bounced on the hoppy ball. We got out the Cootie game and the kiddos played. Friends came over and the kids overall played really well together. I have no idea how messy the upstairs is though. The kids did dress up, swung in the swings, and played with all the toys. Nikki and Justin hid things they didn’t want their friends to play with in our bed. After everyone left we head lunch then the kids took little cars and played with them on the kitchen counters. Justin ended up in his cars bathing suit and Nikki is dressed as Abby Cadaby. But it is too cold out. I let the kids take a break and watch some TV. Then it was bath time. Justin went first. He wanted me to throw the ball with him while he pretended to be a dog in the tub. Also while Justin was in the tub I cleaned up the kid’s room from play group. We also talked to grandma/pa as well. We will be by their house tomorrow and wanted to see if they were available for a visit. Nikki took a really long bath. The kiddos got dressed, we grabbed a snack and headed to the sports store to get the kiddos cleats for soccer. The kids were so excited to get their new cleats. Of course they wanted to wear them right then and there. Nicole’s are pink but Justin’s are blue, he was a little sad they weren’t green. Dad got home. Nicole helped me make a pizza tonight then we played the Wii a bit. We had someone come over to quote our patio cover. Annoying sales guy. The kids overall were really well behaved. They made some pictures for their pre school teacher and grandma/pa. They were asking how to spell things. Justin was really doing well. Justin made a tricerotops too, so cute. The kids played with the wooden blocks then we read some books. We read in between the sales guy measuring and stuff. I shut off all the kids lights and read a book by flashlight. It was fun and the kids loved holding the flashlight. I went for a walk with a friend. Now time to relax.

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