March 8th, 2010 by melissa

Back to our routine. I dropped the kiddos off at school this morning. Dad worked from home. I spent the morning grocery shopping and doing errands while the kids were at school. The kids had a great time at school and made dinosaur sandwiches for snack. They are starting to do an enrichment program at school. Justin goes on Monday and Nikki goes on Wed. They sit with Ms. Tanya and do various things. This morning Justin drew a picture of himself with sun glasses. It was so cute.n Nikki played outside while Justin was with Ms. Tanya. Nice for the kiddos to be apart a bit. We came home and dad was home. The kids wanted to play with dad but did get he was working. We had lunch then I read a lot to the kiddos. The library books are due soon so I wanted to read them. The kiddos watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I did laundry and prepped dinner. We had to stay at home since the exterminating company was coming to do our annual termite inspection. He had to spot spray a tiny area outside. During this time I worked on a shadow box thing I have been wanting to do. I put the kiddos birth announcement in it plus the molded hands the kids did when they were 18  months. I love how it came out and it is easy to change at anytime.

Well our server went down so dad was on it. It seemed like a really stressful day at home for dad. He had to deal with the server, work, the kids, and me 🙂 The kids and I played lots of games, Cootie and Don’t Break the Ice. We also played the marble race. I couldn’t take the kids asking me to play anymore so I decided to take them outside. It was cold though and the kids insisted on wearing shorts. We played tennis on the greenbelt for a short time. The minute dad came home the kids were all over him to play the Wii. They played while I made dinner. After dinner dad was off to a welcome to kindergarten meeting. I hope he gets some useful info. The kids decided to play with tennis balls. First Justin was a dog chasing the balls then the balls became their babies. Who knows! Here is a pic of Nikki-she decided to pose so I snapped.

She is wearing her favorite shirt. We played cars upstairs then read a lot of books. I had fun spending cuddle time with the kids. They went right to sleep. Now I am just waiting for daddy to get home.

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