March 5th, 2010 by melissa

Dad was out of here at 7:30 this morning to sign the kiddos up for a kindergarten readiness class. We got in. I had a long discussion with our pre school teacher and she agreed our kiddos were ready for kinder. I can’t believe they may start kinder in Sept-my babies. I am going to cry my eyes out the first time I leave them at kinder. How did my babies get so big so fast. I am truly blessed. I didn’t have much time to do much while they were in school. I did a little shopping, way easier with no kids in tow. The kids had a great time in school and made dinosaur eggs out of clay. We just need to wait until the clay gets hard and then we can “hatch” them. The kids are so excited. After pre school we had a play date at a friend’s house from pre school. It was so nice. I am so jealous of their house-it was beautiful and a great backyard. The kids all played so nicely. It was so nice as I got to sit down and chat with other moms. Nicole and Justin loved Isa’s little skateboard until Nicole fell on the tile, ouch. I took the kiddos to the dentist today. They got their teeth cleaned and now we are watching two spots on Justin’s teeth-ugh. The kids were brave and did great. When we got home we played outside. I got their cars out and we went around the neighborhood. Nice to get out walking. Dad came home and the kiddos and him raced on the Wii. We ran out to get some dinner. Then dad and the kiddos played Cootie Bugs. I got the kiddos a birthday cake toy thing and they played with that for all 5 minutes, ugh. We went upstairs and dad blind folded the kids while they listened to his voice and found where he was. It was pretty funny. We brushed their teeth extra well and even flossed. Nikki seemed so wired tonight and I tried to sit with her for a bit. I felt like I missed cuddle time last night so I had to make up for it. Justin was so talky in bed. Some of Nicole’s animals (Dale and Thumper) are having a sleepover in our room.

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