Busiest Day Ever

April 25th, 2008 by melissa

The day started off at Centennial Farms at the fair grounds. We had a great time. First we saw all the animals, oxen, cows, calves, bunnies, pigs, etc. The kids loved when the baby sheep went baaaa-it was the cutest sound ever. Of course the youth expo was going on today too, so the kids saw the bounce houses and the farm became not so interesting. So it was all about the kid’s so we went over to the bounce houses. They had a blast bouncing and this one had a ball pit too. The guy let them stay in for such a long time-it was so nice. Nicole was flirting with the guy who was taking tickets to the bounce house. She was cracking him up and he was cracking her up. I just had an amazing time just watching the kids. Then the kids got to drive a car. In the picture below they aren’t smiling but they sure had a good time. We just walked around the youth expo-there was lots for the kids to explore. They got to sit and play in a police car and se ea police helicopter. Not even in the car for 5 minutes and Nicole was fast asleep. We got home and I tried to get the kiddos down for a nap. The 10 minute drive home was enough for Nicole, she was wide awake and rearing to go. She stayed and played in her crib for a little bit. It was a struggle to get Justin down too. Finally he went to sleep and Nicole ate lunch finally around 2:00. Justin didn’t nap too long. But after nap we went to the 2006 play group where they were celebrating four birthdays. The kids had a great time. There was a bounce house and a ton of new toys. Justin was into pushing the lawn mower and playing with balls. Nicole was into sliding and babies. They both stuck their hands and feet in the bowl that was holding all the drinks (copying other kids). It must have felt good since it was hot. As if our day wasn’t busy enough, we came home and got daddy. We loaded the kids in the bike trailer where we proceeded to bike to dinner. We biked to the Kohl’s Center and ate outside at Fat Burger. The kids played in the fountain for a bit and were running around like crazy. We got some groceries too. Kiddos got back into the trailer and we stopped at Blue Gum Park on the way home. The kiddos had the park to themselves and had a blast. They were playing in the sand (wet sand), climbing, sliding, etc. We had a great time as a family! Nicole fell asleep first and we still hear Justin talking. Justin is usually the one to fall asleep first.


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