Spring Fling

April 23rd, 2008 by melissa

The kiddos were silly this morning. Justin was at the top of the stairs with a big smile on his face and Nicole was laying in the chair. We went to the Spring Fling for the mom’s club. It was cute! It was at Hick’s Canyon Park (AKA see saw park to the kids). The kids of course loved the see saw. They played on the play structure for a while. The water fountain was broken so water everywhere. Justin had a blast in the water. He was soaked, dirty, sandy, etc. Nicole was excited to see all the babies. The kids pretend fished today, They both had fun but it was on the grass and Nicole hates to be barefoot on the grass. It was a nice morning. After nap we ran some errands. At Target the kids were talking to everyone, saying hi! It was so cute, everyone was just smiling. Then we had to come home as Cindy’s mom was coming to pick her up. The kiddos had fun with Cindy, but were a little scared when Cindy got so excited (like when we first come home). Daddy came home and Justin asked to see the new lawn mower. Daddy took them into the garage and started it then they were a little scared. After dinner, we showed the kiddos pictures on the laptop. They also played with their stamps-stamping on paper. They were silly as usual tonight. I gave them the hats Neyha knitted for them for their 1st birthday (they still fit) and they were having a blast with them, wearing them, taking them on and off, hiding their eyes, etc. They were naked so Nicole had the hat on with the Elmo slippers. She looked so cute. We tried to capture it on camera but it just isn’t the same. The kiddos were pretty tired tonight and went to sleep pretty easily with Elmo slippers and Ellie’s old tennis shoes on their feet.


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