May 25th, 2009 by melissa

Today staying at home sounded kind of nice to me. The kids played their leapsters for a bit. Of course then they ask what do we do now? Dad built a spiral track for Justin and also added the tracks that makes the train light go on and makes it beep, etc. We needed to run a few errands this morning. So we went to Costco before it got crazy then The Great Indoors. We came home and the kids mostly played outside. Dad drew a track out of chalk and the kids drove their cars in it. Dad also added a gas station. Dad is being the fun guy today! I, on the other hand, vacummed the cars and cleaned potties. After lunch the kids took all the cushions off the couch and jumped up and down. They colored and did stickers. I guess the stickers reminded them of maps, so they got on the couch (with no cushions) and pretended they were on a bus and a plane. They tell me they are going to Canada. Finally Nicole looked at me and said how do we get to Canada? Justin says a plane takes us faster, so cute to listen to them. We all went outside in the backyard. So while the kiddos were playing, cleaning my windows, sweeping, etc I hedged the shrubs. The kids loved to sweep up my leaves and Justin helped me pick up all the leaves. Dad and Justin went to an RV place. Dad is interestd in renting an RV. Nicole and I stayed here and got ready for the Great Park. We met dad and Justin there with kites. It was so much fun but a little stressful as kites were getting tangled. It took a while but Nicole got her kite up and as high as it could go. Both the kids kites I think were made to dive bomb or something. You would get it up and then it would circle around, doing tricks or something. Well Nicole has a fish kite which she insists is a bird, who is going to argue with her. She does wonder why it only has one eye. Justin has a turtle and his kite was not a good one. It dive bombed a lot but Justin said thats ok he is hungry. Justin went running around with his kite. He ran so much. Both were so cute when their kites were flying. It was a nice windy afternoon. We decided to go out for dinner. We went over to the Spectrum to Cheesecake Factory, one of my favorite restaurants. Since my car was still parked at the great park we thought we would try to get on the balloon. But the wait was too long. So we came home and headed upstairs. Got into jammies and brushed teeth. Since the kiddos were up late last night we made sure they were in bed by 8:00. Nicole had to show us all the way she sleeps. I got to snuggle with Justin. He was saying sandy helper and we figured out it is handy helper from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. They both crack up when they say this. We are so impressed by Nicole’s memory. She hears something once and I am always shocked she remembers it. Here is a picture of Nicole and Tierney that I took the other day. Nicole loves to hold T.


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