
March 31st, 2008 by melissa

We hate Mondays since Bret goes back to work. We ran some errands this morning. Then Paula and her kiddos came over. We played for a while. The kids had fun inside and out. We had lunch together. It was so cute watching the kids eat together. Nap was pretty non-existent. Justin napped for a little bit maybe 20 minutes. Nicole didn’t nap. I think I went upstairs a zillion times. She kept on saying she had to use the potty. After about 45 minutes of this she finally pee’d on the potty. Then she kept on saying poop coming, so I finally gave up and brought her downstairs. Shortly after Justin woke up. We got the bike out and the kids were all excited about going in the trailer. We biked to Lower’s Peter Canyon and the kids played for a while. They were into climbing and sliding. It was cute to watch them. Luckily Nicole isn’t too cranky yet. We got home and played outside for a bit. Daddy took Nicole to the store to get something real fast, so Justin and I played bubbles, etc. It was fun! The kiddos play and take their strollers to Starbucks (pretend). They get us lots of coffee. We had dinner, grandpa stopped by for a bit then it was bath night. The kiddos did a lot of drawing in the tub with crayons. They drew lines and Nicole drew a see saw and the park. It is amazing how much pretend the kiddos are doing these days. The kids are getting so big. All of a sudden they are almost 30 pounds! Since they didn’t nap the kiddos went to bed pretty fast, now I am exhausted.

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