We Love Birthday Parties
I went for a quick run this morning while dad and the kids played games. After breakfast I took the kiddos to My Gym. So cute. The hot dog thing (mat) was half full, so the kiddos sat on it then I would sit and make them go flying. We were all laughing hysterically. While I was with the kiddos dad went and got a smog check for his car. The kiddos and I ran to Target for a few things. We came home and picked up daddy so we could go to Jane’s 4th birthday. It was at a bounce house place. So much fun bouncing with the kids. Dad and I had a great time with the kids, but I am feeling my age. The kids slid, bounced, played basketball in the bounce house, and air hockey. The party was great. After we had pizza, cake, and ice-cream. The kids were excited for their goody bags. A perfect day for a 3 yr old! We headed to Target again to get Leapsters for the kids. Earlier I couldn’t decide whether to buy them or not but we thought we would try for our trip to Canada. The kids are doing ok with them but they may be a little advanced for them but time will tell. The kiddos watched Curious George. After they wanted to play their Leapsters again but with the mention of water balloons, Justin ears perked up and outside on the greenbelt we went. We did water balloons, played catch and threw them at the wall. We didn’t have much time to be out there as we needed to cook dinner. The kids and I played grocery store while dad cooked dinner. They can play that game for hours. We had fun. After dinner we had family bingo night. The kids are loving this game. We played a bit in the futon room and cleaned out a few toys. Grandma/pa were up this way so they stopped by. The kiddos had fun playing. They went to bed a little lat but are sleeping now