Grammy Here/Grammy Leaves

January 6th, 2009 by melissa

This morning the kids headed back to pre school. Such a stress for me getting them out the door and having to clean up for the cleaners as well. They were so excited to be going back to school. I stayed with them for a little while just to make sure they were ok since they hadn’t been for a couple weeks. They finally told me to leave! I went to the gym, then headed out to look for shoes. Justin needed formal shoes and I wanted a new pair too. The kids said they had so much fun at pre school. We stayed outside and played for a bit. We came home and had lunch, guess snack wasn’t that great, as they are usually not hungry after pre school. Grammy called and said she was home then Grammy called and said her car wouldn’t start. We headed over there to drive Grammy around for her errands. She packed and got ready to go to Canada. The kiddos played and daddy met us at Grammy’s. We all went to dinner which was nice. It was almost like we didn’t have a care in the world, even though we were all thinking about Henry. Todd called and luckily the cancer isn’t in Henry’s brain. Todd just mentioned Henry was cranky and who would blame him. Meghan is able to go to the hospital and play with her brother. After dinner the kiddos seemed tired so I took them home. I told stories on the way home and sang songs. We read books and the kids are sleeping. Grammy leaves tomorrow morning for Canada.

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