Life Is Not Fair

January 4th, 2009 by melissa

I write this because we just found out our nephew Henry has been diagnosed with Leukemia. We are so sad and just waiting to hear more info. We were so excited to go to Canada in April. We will still be going but it won’t be the same if Henry is ill. We are keeping positive thoughts and just wish we could be there. Grammy is leaving NZ hopefully today and heading to Canada. So we have counted our blessings and hugged our kids a million times. we played games with the kiddos, Candy Land and the fishing game then we played outside for a bit today. The kids drove their cars, rode bikes and scooters while Bret and I worked in the garage a bit. Someday we will have the garage in order. But nothing seems as important as Henry today. Bret helped his mom make plane reservations to come home. The kiddos watched Thomas and Curious George. Nicole was loving seeing Rosie the train on Thomas. After we headed to the Spectrum. We did the usual stuff, carasoul and train ride. The skating rink was still open. Nicole wants to skate so badly. We went into the Mac store and the kiddos played on the computers and went to the pet store too. On the way home we stopped at Orchard Park and the kiddos had fun playing. Justin was loving the swing. Nicole was pretending to be a train conductor. I had to sit in the caboose (which I barely fit) and eat cake (made out of sand). After dinner, the kiddos just climbed on us. It was fun to hear them giggle and be so playful. They also put on slippery socks (no writing on the bottom) and ice skated around the downstairs. They went right to sleep tonight and we actually got them down by 8:00. Todd called tonight and Henry will have a bone marrow bioposy tomorrow, so hopefully we will know more tomorrow.

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