
September 29th, 2008 by melissa

All of a sudden we woke up to rain this morning, very weird but nice. Our playball class was cancelled so we decided to go to a bounce house place, Hullabaloos. It was cute but I like other bounce house places better. The kids had fun so that is all that matters. The bounce house was an obstacle course one that ended with a slide. The kids went through it together and slid down together. They followed each other around. There was also a toy area the kids liked and a clubhouse thing. The kiddos were starving after all that jumping, so I found a McDonalds nearby and we had lunch. I thought the kiddos would fall asleep on the way home but no. So we headed to Wal Mart as I needed a bunch of things. It was the longest shopping trip ever and the kids were great. They helped me wherever they could. Justin did great at the potty. He is probably sick of me saying do you need to use the potty. The kids helped put the stuff in the car and bring it in the house too. They watched TV and I swear they ate snacks all day. After TV we played a bit inside then went outside. We went to the front of the house and the kiddos rode bikes for a bit. We were hoping we would run into Zoe the dog and we did. The kids were so excited-they threw the ball for Zoe and the kids were all laughs and smiles. After dinner it was shower time and read books. Nicole was sad she couldn’t find her sparkly baby-it is actually a little teddy bear. The kids went right to bed.

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