Beautiful Day

February 8th, 2008 by melissa

The weather was so great today. This morning we met some friends, Neyha, Kristen, and Christy at the Santa Ana Zoo. The kids had a great time, although, they were so hungry. They liked the monkeys, the train ride, the pigs, and washing their hands in the big basin. We had a nice morning. There was no napping in this household today-ugh. So we went to Toys R Us to get a present for Jeremy. The kids had fun carrying things around (buckets, bubbles) and playing with the train table. Then we met some friends at Blue Gum Park, Neyha and Kristen. The kids played with bubbles and spent a lot of time playing in the sand. They had a great time. We came home and picked up daddy and tried a new restaurant called Pastagina. We played by the fountain and came home for a bath. The kids went right to sleep tonight (the only good part of no nap).

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