July 2nd, 2014 by melissa

Yeah it is finally summer. School got out so late this year. I can’t believe the kids will be third graders. Both had such great years, did well in school, had great teachers, made great friends, etc.

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From the pics one kid is happy for summer and the other is not. Nikki loves school so much. We have had 2 days of summer break and she hasn’t mentioned missing school yet…

Kiddos had crazy sock and sun glass day at school. It was cute but there was not a lot of participation. Justin didn’t want to wear sun glasses but we found him some bright socks.


Today Nikki got to go on a trail horse back ride to celebrate summer. She went with her friend, Grace. Nikki was so nervous but ended up having a wonderful time. Here are some pics from the day (the 1st pic shows how nervous Nikki was):

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I was babysitting Shelby so she came with us. Justin decided not to do the horse back riding instead he is going to do video game thing. So him and I took Shelby on the train while Nikki rode the horse.


Justin’s bowling league just ended for the summer. Finally I remembered to bring my camera. Justin got a medal at the end. There was also a little pizza party at the end.

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