September 16th, 2010 by melissa

Well Nikki woke up in the middle of the night saying she “needed water badly”. Justin was pretty restless in his bed. So I slept in Justin’s bed with him and on Nikki’s floor. Justin puts his foot right up to my leg and moves it  back and forth. He feels comfortable and go right to bed. This morning dad and I were downstairs before the kiddos. We heard the kiddos get up and then heard Justin say “follow the coffee smell”. We stayed home this morning as I am trying not to pull the kids in a bunch of directions. The kids took a bath, Nicole didn’t want a bubble bath and Justin did. Why do they always want different things? We borrowed the game Sorry from pre school. The kids were so excited to play it. It was fun! Of course we had to eat lunch and go. So the kids ate and played. We were all set to go then Nikki got hurt getting int he car. We were in a hurry to get to school on time. It was sad to drop the kiddos off, I missed them. I came home and visited with Bret for a bit, so nice to be together. Then I ran to the mall for a bit. Nicole asked me to come back to school early. I got the best greeting. I was the first mom there. I did some work in the office and then we were running to soccer. Nikki did amazing in soccer. She kept up with a 6 1/2 yr old. The older girl was monopolizing the mall and I was worried how Nicole would react. Nicole was a trooper. She ran and ran. It was fun watching her be all competitive. I was a proud mom. I got to spend time with Justin while we watched Nikki. After dinner the kids wanted to play Sorry again. I went for a walk with a friend. We went upstairs. I showed Justin that his traffic light was a bank too. All the coins in the house are now in it. The kids played well together, played with Mickey/Minnie animals. Nicole tucked them in to bed. Nicole was hard to get to settle down tonight. The kids were all laughing about their private parts. Bret and I were trying to not laugh but we couldn’t help ourselves.

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