July 15th, 2008 by melissa

Well this morning, we watched daddy pedal his bike to work. We read a ton of books which made me so tired. We are working on learning letter. Nicole knows the letter O and Justin knows H and a few here and there. They love to learn and it is fun to teach them. They played outside a bit too making baskets. The silly kids sat on the landing of the stairs just hanging out and talking, it was funny. We had a nice morning at home. We went to the Irvine Park RR this morning. Justin was so excited for the train. We met lots of friends there-it was a mom’s club event. We got there and rode the train first. It was fun. Then we went for a walk and ended up going to the little zoo there. The kiddos had a blast feeding the goats. There wasn’t too much at the zoo, Nicole started melting down so I left to go feed the kiddos. They were having fun just playing around the picnic tables with the dirt and the trees. Guess Nicole’s melt down was her way of saying I want to play. We ate lunch and the kiddos played. Then we walked back to the car. The kiddos took a little nap on the way home, where is my nap? HA. After nap I did a few errands. The kids were so good that I stopped at Toys R Us. The kiddos had a great time playing in the store. Nicole wanted to play with Elmo and Justin trains. We came home and just played for a bit. We also colored with crayons and markers. I actually snuck in some scrapbook time while the kiddos colored. Paula’s hubby is out of town, so her and her kiddos came over. We walked over to Northwood Pizza for dinner. The kids were so cute walking together, Nicole wanted to hold Mikey’s hand as she crossed the street. And Nicole really liked Katie’s baby, ironically named Katie. Nicole and Justin had fun hanging out with Paula’s kids, they all copy each other. The kiddos found lots of stuff on the walk, rocks, leaves, flower, sticks…Daddy met us over at the pizza place. The kiddos were pretty hungry and ate well. Then they played with the video games for a while, air hockey, driving. We walked home and then played ball on the greenbelt. Justin got inventive and used the frisbee as a bat to hit the ball while Nicole bounced on the hippity hoppity ball. It was pretty warm today. I still hear the kiddos upstairs talking, hopefully they will go to bed soon.

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