May 7th, 2010 by melissa

Yesterday I had a pre school board meeting that went until almost 11:00, ugh, so I didn’t blog. But I did have to mention the kids gave me awesome mom day presents that they made at get ready for kinder. Justin did a handprint with a sweet poem and Nikki gave me a picture of herself holding a baby chick. These things made my day yesterday. I felt like the luckiest mom ever.

This morning I dropped the kiddos off at school. I came home and did lots of gardening. It seriously took me all day to hedge. I picked the kiddos up and they had more mom’s day gifts for me. They made me shrinky dink heart necklaces that are so cool. Even hedging today I wore them. They also made me cards and the kids answered questions. These are the questions and answers (Nikki’s answers are first):

-My mom is 28 /46 years old. Then Justin said I don’t know maybe I should ask her. It doesn’t matter what number, 46 is good

-My mom likes to eat salad/hangabers (hamburgers)

-My mom always wears black clothes that matches her pants/she wears all her clothes sometime

-Her favorite TV show is Hannah Montana/cars and mommy shows

-She cooks the best mac and cheese/pizza, Apple pie (with the apple pie Justin was referring to the German baked apple pancake I made)

-These things make my mom mad if I push someone/hitting Nikki

-What I like to do with my mom get my nails done and alone time/race, play cars

-These are the things that my mom does she plays with me, she plays doll house with me, she picks me up and does the happy dance/I ask her to race and she said yes

-What my mom likes best about me when I won a medal in ice skating class/hugging-she loves hugs. If I love her she loves me

I had some laughs at some of the answers. I have the best kids ever. So we stayed and played outside of pre school for a bit then came home. Grandpa came over so we could be with him on his birthday. Grandpa played with the kiddos a bit, swung them on swings, gave them cupcakes, played Wii, then the kiddos helped me pick up all the leaves from hedging. They were super fast and really helpful. The kids were pretending to pick apples and collect some thing that grows on the ivy. They were also sweeping and using my clippers to trim the ivy. We had so much fun outside that we were pretty much out there all afternoon. They did show grandpa the Wii and did come in to take a shower. Right before the shower the kids had fun soaking themselves with the hose. They took a shower together and had a great time. They have been playing nicely today. We had dinner then dad and the kiddos went to desert night at the pre school. Weird here without anyone at night. I decided to put my ipod on and go for a walk. I walked to pre school so dad could drive me home. The kids had so much fun at pre school tonight. They were having fun being naughty and staying up late. They did a scavenger hunt too, Justin found a motorcycle and Nicole found a journal and pencil. Even outside pre school they wanted to play. With flashlights they were running around, it was fun. However it is 9:20 and we just got the kiddos to bed. I hope they sleep in tomorrow morning.

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