I am going to miss when the kiddos go back to school. It ended up being a really fun week. At home this morning the kids played Wii for a bit then played with each other. We headed out to go to Partyopolis, jump house place. Some friends met us there as well. The kids had a great time. I can’t believe how much energy these kids have. Nikki and Justin are such great kids. I witnessed a kid (older than my kids) having a huge tantrum today. Wow, I am so lucky my kids never have those. I was so hungry so we stopped to get lunch. We got some pizza then walked over to Home Depot. I wanted to get some flowers for the front of our house. I have been trying to get the kids to do this but they keep saying they want to go with daddy to get me flowers. When we got home the kids played fire engine and pretended a dog leash was the hose, so cute. I was showing the kiddos some old pics of them, going down memory lane. That lasted a bit but then they wanted to watch the Blues Clues video from the library. It was a little babyish but they didn’t seem to mind. After we went outside to plant our new flowers. The kids were helpful and helped dig holes. They also helped garden and loved learning how to trim the plants. We just had fun outside. Our neighbors came home and the kids went running over to tell them about the flowers and had them come over to see them. Dad came home a little early today. Just as I was about to plant he wanted to put in another sprinkler. So dad went to work. The kids were busy playing and having fun together. Then we threw lots of balls for Zoe. So fun to have Zoe around, she is such an easy dog. After dinner we just played. We played “cars” bingo and Cariboo. Upstairs the kids played hide n seek and got ready for bed. We read books then Nikki and I played doll house a bit while Justin and dad played cars. The kids were so cute tonight so we cuddled and talked. Time to walk Zoe.
April 9th, 2010 by melissa