April 5th, 2010 by melissa

We decided to take it easy this morning. It was rainy and gloomy out anyway. I needed to get a blood test so we went out and did that. The kids were so well behaved. The kiddos have been playing so well today-it has been so nice. I got a few things done this morning like laundry, clean up around here, etc. The kids played Leapsters, with Geotrax pretending to tractor tip (from Cars movies), and marble games etc. They also were giving animals a bath in the Easter baskets. I rewarded the kiddos with TV. Then we headed to do a few errands. The kids always complain about errands but it always ends up fun for them. Justin got a new hula hoop since his got bent. Then we went to Costco to pick up some pics for me. I love the new pics and I put them on the piano. The kids watched a little of the Alvin and Chipmunks the Squekel a bit in Costco and they ate lots of snacks. When we got home they played a bit and I debated about giving them a bath. But I decided I better give them a bath and get it out of the way. Nikki started out first in the tub and she was pretending to be Biscuit the dog. Then Justin AKA Zoe the dog got in with her. It was nice to see them in the bath together again and they had a lot of fun. Dad got a great review at work which followed with a great bonus. I was so proud of him that I booked a massage for him for tonight. When he got home I told him I had a surprise for him. I knew he would figure it out and it didn’t take long for him to figure it out. We had dinner and then the kiddos played Wii for a bit. We were blowing up balloons for the kids and not tying them. The kids were letting them go as rockets. It was so funny. They were racing whose would run out of air first. Dad and I were very dizzy from blowing up so many balloons. Upstairs we bopped balloons and the kids played with money. Dad left for his massage and the kids and I read books. It was hard to visit both kids. So I went into Justin’s room first as he goes to sleep much quicker than Nikki. I gave Nikki a flashlight and books and let her read. Then I visited Nikki. Now time for me to relax.

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