April 3rd, 2010 by melissa

It was musical beds or something last night. Nicole woke up a zillion times, to pee, needing water, saying she was cold, telling us we forgot to say goodnight to her, etc. Justin ended up in our bed. I went to his race car bed then Nicole woke up. I slept on her floor for a while. She doesn’t push over enough in her bed so I barely fit. Then I came back into our bed and carried Justin back to his. Nicole woke up not feeling all that terrific. Poor little thing. We just took it easy at home then she started to fall asleep on daddy. No soccer for Nikki today. Justin and I did a few errands. I needed some things to stuff in eggs for our egg hunt tomorrow. Nicole slept for a while this morning. Dad and Justin headed to soccer. I am a little sad I had to miss it. When Nicole woke up I brought her up to our bed to get more cozy. She was so unhappy so I gave her some Tylenol. She was feeling much better and I let her watch TV in my bed. I stuffed eggs at the same time. Nicole actually said she was hungry. I made her some oatmeal and let her eat in my bed. She loved eating in our bed in front of the TV. Justin had fun at soccer and made a couple goals. He did get knocked down but went right back in the game. Dad did water balloons with the kids and played outside. The kids were a bit wet so we gave them a nice warm bath. Nikki stayed in the bath for a long time but then was so cold when she got out. Dad got Justin’s street stickers up on his wall. It looks good and Justin said wow when he saw it.

Nikki started to feel yucky again so we cuddled her in her bed then brought her downstairs. Dad and Justin played Wii a bit then we let the munch kins watch TV. Dad ran to the grocery store. I need to make it to Whole Foods very soon. Right before dinner our neighbors, Andree & Howie with Zoe delivered all of us Easter baskets. It was so sweet and put a smile on Nikki’s face. The kids loved their baskets. It was so generous and thoughtful of our neighbors. I read lots and lots of books tonight. We read downstairs, we read in Nikki’s bed…..We gave Nikki some Tylenol and she got a little hyper but I think it is quiet now so hopefully she is asleep.

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