I dropped the kiddos off at school. Nicole really didn’t want to go since I wasn’t working. She gave me lots of hugs and I read some books. Then she was fine and ready for me to leave. Justin just wanted me to build him a track. They had a great time at school. A dentist came in and talked to them. They were so happy to get tooth brushes, it is the little things they love. We stopped by dad’s work to get a booster seat then Tierney came over. We got to babysit her and had fun. The kids loved having her in the swing and swinging her fast. T loved it and was laughing a lot. When the kids started to play T was just busy watching them and so interested in what they were doing. T did pull Nikki’s hair a bit till we finally put it up. They were all so cute in the zebra tent. I tried to get a pic of all 3 kids but it wasn’t easy. I don’t think any of them came out that great. T kept on wiggling away and my kids were looking at T.
We did some errands. I had to go to the jewelers and get a new watch battery for my Justin and Nicole watch. I also got my ring cleaned, so beautiful. We went to Costco and the kids loved the snacks. When we got home Roberta came to get T and we just played outside. The kids used the creeper and dolly and went down the driveway. Then we played frisbee and dad joined us. The kids watched a George while we made dinner. After dinner we decided to go get some frozen yogurt, so yummy. We made the kiddos put their jammies on before going out though. We were trying to speed up the night process. We read books and it wasn’t until 8:20 but then the kiddos were quiet.