Bladder Infection
Poor Nicole. She only needed to get up once at night though. She is wearing a pull up. When she is not distracted though she wants to use the potty a lot. Anyway we went to Heritage Park in Tustin this morning. It was fun, cute park. The kids had a great time; they were happy to be at the park. They loved haging onto this bar thing and I held them too. Then it slid to the other side. Big smiles while they were on it. I just love to see them smile and hear them laugh. Nicole stayed in the swing for a while. Justin was really into going on the big swing. The kids had their snack at the park. I have never seen two kids eat so much cantalope. We were at the park for a while and came home to a clean house. I love that. The cleaners were still here and Nicole and Justin were very intrigued. They were trying to play peek a boo with the cleaners. I played outside with the kiddos while the cleaners finished. Then we had lunch. After quiet time I let the kiddos watch some TV. I needed a break. After I needed to do a return at Kohls. The kids were into everything, touching all the clothes, trying to get stickers off the clothes, playing with the baby bibs, the toys, etc. Needless to say doing a return sometimes is not an easy task. We then went to the gym for open play. We didn’t stay too long but the kiddos had fun. They ran down the ramp, played with all the balls, etc. We came home and had dinner. Justin pulled a kitchen drawer out and dropped it on his big toe, ugh. He is ok but I am sure it hurt. We took a walk around the neighborhood using the jog stroller. Justin brought a car with him and Nicole grabbed a tractor. It was a nice walk, we saw bunnies. We came home and drove the cars for a short time. Then it was time to go upstairs. Daddy did boat rides then read books and off to bed. Nicole loves when I tell her stories now. I told her a story about a little girl named Sally and she loved it.