November 20th, 2009 by melissa

It is Friday, yeah! This week went by a bit slow. I dropped the kiddos off at school then did some errands. I had to meet dad at the credit union to have some documents notarized. After I went shopping and by then it was time to pick up the kiddos. I debated about having them stay for kangaroo club but decided not to (save a little money). I was glad I didn’t leave them at school longer as we had a blast playing with our friends. We ended up playing out front of school for about an hour and a half. The kids had so much fun running around and playing in the dirt. We didn’t even have lunch until 1:30. After lunch the kiddos played a bit. I finally finished thank you notes and did some laundry. We went upstairs to take a bath but the kids just wanted to play. I had naked laughy kids running around. It was contagious, I had to play too. We had a stuffed animal snow ball fight, and they jumped and pounced all over me. Finally I got them in the tub. After bath we decided to open the moon sand the kids got for their birthday. I am so not a big fan. It kept the kids occupied but I like play doh so much better. And there was a big mess. I didn’t feel like cleaning up the moon sand so we ate dinner at the bar. The kids thought it was the greatest thing ever. So cute the little things that make them happy. During dinner Nicole said nice dinner mom, this is my favorite chicken (orange chicken), so sweet. We decided to have movie night tonight. We watched The Bee Movie.  The kids like it but do want us to skip over some parts. I worked on the computer and dad rested during the movie. The kids have a love hate relationship with the Bee movie but they still enjoyed watching it. We went upstairs and only read a few books. They were desperate to read these long books and agreed to skip pages. It is 8:30 and I hear Nikki singing, ugh.

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