Beautiful Day
The weather felt like summer today. It was so nice. This morning the kiddos and I went shopping at Target. What a great time to go there was no one there. Then I met Neyha, Krish, and Isha at the park. We had a great time. It is amazing to watch all the kids. Nicole appreciated the nice day and wanted to eat her lunch on the picnic table. They are so cute eating on it together. Nicole had a hard time going down for a nap, in fact I ended up on the floor with her for a while. Finally she fell asleep but it took about an hour. Justin took a great nap today-his best yet, 3 hours. After nap we did a few errands the decided to have a bbq (burgers-yum). I guess baby Isha made an impression on Nicole as she was drawing Isha and Justin was drawing monkeys.