The kids were playing really well together but I had to go down to the pre school to do some work. The kids had fun there and just played with so many toys. One of their school friends came as well. So fun for them to have the pre school to themselves and play with all the toys. Then we headed over to the pool for some swimming with the mom’s club group. We had a great time. In fact I forgot to feed the kids lunch. But they were having way too much fun to get out of the pool to eat. They were jumping in, swimming to me, etc. After the pool I gave the kiddos a shower and we had a late lunch. I was hoping to get my tires rotated at costco today but they were really behind. So the kiddos and I just shopped a bit at Costco and came home. The kids played with the little mini van and all the cars, I love watching them interact together and be nice to one another. I decided to go outside and make it rain. I propped the hose up on the patio cover and the kids got out their umbrellas and boots. It was fun. The kids loved it. Justin got so wet. Finally he just wanted to go under with no umbrella. So nice on a hot day. At dinner tonight Nicole asked us to go to monkey bar park, so off we went. The kid had a great time at the park. Surprisingly Nicole didn’t do the monkey bars the entire time. Both kids were all about daddy. I was so impressed they left the park without much of a fuss and made putting them to bed easy. I am glad we got them to bed on time.
September 2nd, 2009 by melissa