July 17th, 2009 by melissa

It feels like it has been a long week. And this morning didn’t start off too well. Bret cut his hair and asked me to help with the neck and back. He had the wrong blade on so he is shaved in the middle of the back of his head. Poor guy-it looks bad, but in a few days it will grow in. Luckily he has pink eye and worked from home today. Here is a picture:


We mentioned it was a big boo boo and Nicole went down to get daddy her boo boo bunny, it was so funny. This morning was the summer social for pre school. Very hectic being the membership person. The kids couldn’t have behaved any better. They were at preschool with  me from 9-1 and were so well behaved and occupied themselves. They were outside a lot of the time playing nicely. They had lots of snacks and lunch there. I was very proud of them for letting me do what I needed to do. We came home and I gave them some candy as reward that cousin Zach gave them. The kids continued to play at home pretty well excpet for the occasional fight over a toy. I gave them showers, so nice at is much faster than bath. Nicole is wearing the same dress she has worn for the last 3 days. I have been doing lots of  laundry since Bret has pink eye. Justin has on an outfit that he picked out himself, looks cute but not sure how well it matches. Oh well. At least the kids are out of their bathing suits-thats what they were to preschool this morning.


After bath the kids performed for me. Dancing around crazy in the family room. It was really cute and I got some video of it. Dad came home a little early, he worked remotely from a place that has wireless. I can’t stop laughing at his hair, I better sleep with one eye open tonight. The kids watched some TV and then we had dinner. After dinner we played in the backyard with water balloons and toys. We decided to pull out all the tomato bushes so the kids helped with that. They loved tossing the tomatos that were still green in the trash can. Can’t believe how they overtook the garden. The kids are excited about planting new things. Justin has a huge plant growing there from pre school, I thought it was a bean plant but now I am thinking it is a sunflower, we will wait and see. The kids were fun tonight. I made capes out of their sheets and they prenteded to be super duper Elmo and Zoe. Then we played car wash for a bit and read books. Right before bed the kiddos decided they were hungry, they didn’t eat much dinner. So we gave them a peach and off to bed they went.

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