Happy Birthday Bret

July 13th, 2009 by melissa

Looks like both kids are well again, at least right now. We just took it easy and played at home this morning. I did some laundry too. The kids and I read books, the kids pretended to be dogs-Nicole was Biscuit from the book and Justin was Zoe. We did play doh for a bit. I put a blanket in the middle of the family room and the kids had a pretend picnic. It was a good morning. We had our first swim lessons today. The kids did pretty well. They didn’t mind someone else holding them in the water at all. Justin was a little more cautious than Nicole (typical though). He was brave and went first. Justin was so funny he was talking to the instructor like he had been swimming forever and knew everything she was saying. I think he just needs to boost his confidence a bit. Nicole just did whatever the instructor told her to do. They both worked on floating on their backs, and blowing bubbles. Each one had an individual lesson so I got in the pool and played with the other one. It was fun. After the lessons we played in the big pool for a bit then we went into the kiddie pool. The kids had a blast playing. It was fun to watch. When we got home the kiddos were starving, so after snack they took a bath. After bath Nicole was melting down quite a bit. I decided to be fun mom and play with the kids. We went under the fan in the futon room as it was hot. We played with lots of old toys, jack in the box, blocks, fishing, etc. The kids were talking about bowling so I got the bowling set out that I bought a long time ago. The kids loved it. They had trouble setting up the pins though as they kept on falling but we had a good time. Dad came home and we went out to dinner to celebrate his birthday. The kids were crazy at dinner, wanting to sit under the table and color under there. Apparently they were having a tea party. They seemed so hyper so after dinner we decided to go to the park (aka monkey bar park). Nicole is so determined to do the monkey bars. Justin tries for a little while but then plays on everything else. Nicole’s stays on the monkey bars the entire time. We got home and the kids played with money. They throw it and say they are feeding the animals-money everywhere. We read books then before bed the kids decided to walk on daddy’s back and then jump onto the beds. Finally they settled down.

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