July 8th, 2009 by melissa

Last night Justin was calling for me, and asked if he could come in my bed. He was kind of awake and acting goofy. I let him come in our bed and enjoyed him being up even though it was in the middle of the night. He is so cute. This morning we went to pre school. I needed to do some work there, the kids played and had fun. We only stayed for a short time. We went to a puppet show with a little magic at Katie Wheeler. The kids loved it, it was so cute to watch their smiles and hear their laughs. Lots of our friends were there. The kids liked the copy cat character and participated in the show as well. I am so glad we went to it, it was great. After we hung out with our friends while the kiddos played. We came home and the kids seemed to not feeling too well. So we stayed home the rest of the afternoon. We played, I painted a little bit, and the kiddos watched TV. Nicole wanted to watch Barney and Justin watched Thomas, so we watched both. After we went outside and played on the green belt, we threw balls for Zoe. I brought out the kid’s captain chairs to let them rest, but no resting for them. They played with Zoe for a bit on the greenbelt. I got Justin with a ball and I still feel terrible. I will feel even worse when it is black and blue tomorrow. He wanted to drive his car so I let him. Nicole drove as well, then we came inside to make dinner. I took some pics of the kids with Zoe:


We finally got some batteries for some of the kids toys so dad put one in one of the trains (caboose) with music. Justin was so excited to play trains and wanted daddy to build a spiral track. The kiddos played pretty well, even raced trains on the floor. After dinner we watched videos of Nicole ice skating to show daddy then the kids watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on dad’s computer. Nicole was really tired so we just went upstairs and read lots of books. The kids went to bed a little early.

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