Loads of Fun

April 15th, 2008 by melissa

I did laundry this morning and Nicole informed me baby’s shirt was dirty and it needed to be washed too, silly girl. The baby is so dirty but she doesn’t care about that just the shirt! This morning we met Vena, Candice, and Stacie at the park. We were going to swimming but it was too cool out, so we played at the park. The kids had fun playing. Justin was really into climbing, little monkey. We came home and packed up a lunch and strolled/walked to pre school. The kids and I had a picnic lunch outside of pre school, it was fun. Nicole refuses to sit on the grass so she sat on her blanket and was perfectly content. The kids were excited to go to mommy and me pre school. They changed the structure a bit, so we first played outside. The kids had a blast using spray bottles of paint. There was a big piece of paper on the fence and Justin loved it! We did loads of bubbles and painting. It was a great time at pre school. Then we went inside and did play do and painted/glued and used feathers. The kids of course had to wash their hands a lot. Snack time and circle time then time to walk home. Surprisingly the kids stayed awake in the stroller, so when we got home I put them down for a nap. Well they didn’t nap too long-ugh. Nicole says her teeth hurt. She was a little cranky when she woke up, so after nap we just stayed home. We played with lots of toys, did puzzles, balls, etc. When daddy got home we ran to the marketplace for dinner. They of course like the fountain and were so happy to be running around and really into jumping. We ran to Target and came home played and then to bed.


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