Another Day of the Mural

June 14th, 2009 by melissa

This morning I went for a quick run. We played with the kids and read the newspaper. Grammy came over earlier to work on the mural. I can’t believe how long it is going to take us to do this mural, oh well it will look really nice when it is all done. We traced the pattern on and just have a lot of blue taping to do. We did get out for a bit to go to Michaels to get more paint brushes. After lunch Grammy and I went to the grocery store. Unfortunately all the little carts were taken but Nicole had her doggie harness on and Justin just rode holding onto the cart. The kids helped me get things off the shelves and pick out fruits and veggies. We quit working on the mural and played with the kiddos. Also tried to clean up around here, what a mess! We went out for dinner and just headed upstairs. We played out the troll story…it started out as the kids giving me something of value like in the story but it progressed to doing something, like jumping, somersaults, etc. And after they did what I asked them to I let them go over the bridge and then they ran down the hall as fast as they could. It was pretty amusing and the kids loved it. We read books and now are waiting for the kiddos to be quiet-they are upstairs in bed talking to each other.

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