Hot Hot Hot

April 12th, 2008 by melissa

It was so hot today! We played in the garage this morning a bit as it was a mess. Kids played, we cleaned. Then we went to the MV mall. We played in the play area for a bit. The kids had to take off their shoes. Their big thing is climbing on everything, the cow, the cars and jumping off. Then they had to slide down the slide (little slide) on their backs and head first. It was then time for Justin’s haircut. He did so well again, we went into the quiet room again and he got to watch Thomas. He looks like such a big boy. He got to pick out a lollipop at the end too (his favorite part). We played on the lights for a while. It was a fun mall day. We then went to Aliya’s 2nd birthday party. The kids were so excited for the Barney party, but it was hot. She had a bounce house there but the kiddos were a bit too hot to jump. They were so excited for the cake. I guess birthdays are the only time they get cake. We pushed a little late nap and the kids were having melt downs. We got them home and into their cribs. They only took a short nap. So after nap we did the water table. They love it. I think we filled it up about 10 times. We went over to Neyha’s complex and went swimming with them. The kids looked so cute in their bathing suits, with Nicole’s tattoo on her belly of Abbey Cadaby. Swimming was so much fun. Justin loved it; he was literally smiling the whole time. Justin and Krish were so happy to be in the water. Nicole got used to it but was a little nervous. She just wanted to be held while Justin was busy jumping, kicking, etc. Nicole didn’t like when the big kids splashed. I didn’t even think about dinner, so it was getting late-we ran to Woodbury Center and got a pizza. The kids had their baths and were pretty tired tonight. Nicole is wearing big girl jammies tonight. I need to get Justin some new jammies. They are growing up so fast.


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