Today I had the some of the girls over from the multiples group for a play date. It was fun. My kiddos of course wanted to be outside most of the day. They enjoyed watching all the other kids. Any time one child went to us the potty, Nicole wanted to watch. Justin and Nicole both sat on the couch and were entertained by all the kids. It was nice getting to know some of the mom’s. The house was a mess, toys everywhere! One of the mom’s and her triplets stayed and had lunch with us. The kiddos didn’t go down for a nap until about 2ish. After nap, I really wanted to get my car washed. So we went to Danny’s at the Market Place. I had to hold both kiddos to watch mama car go through the car wash-I was dying. While waiting for the car we went over to Toys R Us as I had to do a return and look for a gift. Of course the kids were too into everything to find a gift and I just couldn’t find the right gift. We took our time walking back to the car, looking at everything and just having fun. Then I decided to go to Costco. Scary as it was close to dinner time but the kids did terrific. We had a fun time out today. We came home and had dinner. Then we just played with the kids running around the couch and chasing them and them chasing us. We played catch for a while too. Then it was bath and time for bed. It is 10:00 and Nicole is still awake…I can’t believe it.