Keep the Kids Busy and They Nap!
This morning we went to Vena’s for a little playgroup with Candice, Victoria, and Stacie. The kids had fun. They liked the tricycles. My kids love playing at other people’s house, guess it is all the new and dif’t toys. Then we went to the zoo. Our play group went to the zoo today. We saw the baby monkey-too cute. Anyway the kiddos had fun at the zoo. Justin loved the big geese. He was so cute saying hi to them. They both liked climbing up to see the monkeys and play in the tunnel. The line was too long at the train but the kiddos really wanted to go. So we decided to have lunch at the zoo. I should have brought lunch as the place was so slow. But the train was empty by the time we went back. Nicole was really into Christy today, so cute. She wanted to ride the train with Christy, Lexie, and Baby Sienna. Justin and I rode together; he was so excited to go in the tunnel. Since Nicole wasn’t too happy about getting off the train, they let us go twice. We stayed at the zoo until 1:15 can’t believe we stayed so late. The kiddos took a short nap but a nap none the less. Then we went to Hicks Canyon Park. The kids love that park, mostly the see saw. Neyha met us there. Her husband came too and the kiddos got to play in her hubby’s car. They loved it, of course getting Nicole out was hard. Then we came home got the mail (their favorite thing to do), ran down driveways, then played in the yard. It was a fun day.