Half Marathon Day

May 3rd, 2009 by melissa

This morning I was up at 5:20AM getting ready for the half marathon. We left at 6:00AM. I was so nervous. It was tough running, we were doing 13 min miles or so for a bit. At mile 6 I started to get a bit tired. I walked a bit, I think we were the slowest runners there. Mile 10-12 I walked as I wanted to be able to run the last mile. It was difficult, but I did it! And never plan to run another half marathon. So cool the kids and Bret were waiting at the finish line for me. I was dying though.


The kids wanted my water and everything, they didn’t understand how much I needed it. I was so hot that I even let Bret dump water over my head not once but twice. This is worth mentioning as I have never let Bret do this before. We had fun at the event. They had a trackless train, bounce house, free food and drinks, little petting zoo, etc. We walked over to the Spectrum too and the kids played in the turtle fountain. We didn’t have bathing suits though, Justin got soaked but Nicole didn’t. Bret and I sat around just watching the kids. We came home and the kids took a bath. Justin stayed in the bath for a long time. I showered and Bret needed a little nap (he got up at 5:30 with me). Justin, Nicole, and I had a late lunch/snack. The kids played with their kitchen/grocery store. Then we met some friends at the park. We haven’t seen Victoria, Todd, and family in so long so it was nice to catch up. We also ran into some other friends. Blue Gum is the best park, I just sat there and rested while the kids played. Dad did chase them and play for a bit. The kids had a great time. It was getting late and I hadn’t even thought about dinner so we got some food to go. The kids pushed the bus and Spencer train around for a while. Then we headed upstairs. Thankfully the kids went right to sleep. I am so tired and my feet are sore.

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