Weekend Over :-(

March 30th, 2008 by melissa

We didn’t do anything exciting today but it was a fun day. We went grocery shopping and the kids got to push the little carts. They love it. Of course I can only get as much as their two little carts fit. They played outside the grocery store a bit, running around before we headed up. Then we decided to go for a bike ride (pic below of kids in trailer). We are trying to take advantage of the fact that the kids like the bike trailer. We just rode to the open space on Jeffrey. We let the kids out and run around. We had so much fun. The kids explored a bit, ran around, drank out of the water fountain, got introduced to rolly polly bugs, and walked through the tunnel. We stopped at the organic fruit stand and got the kiddos peaches to eat on the way home. They loved having a whole peach. Nap time was frustrating as Nicole didn’t want to nap-ugh. She did fall asleep while we ran an errand in the car. We played in the yard for a while. It was cold out but the kiddos were so happy outside. We did some dot painting and play doh before dinner. Nicole was really into her baby tonight. She brought her upstairs and even pretended to give her a bath and dry her. Her baby has been using the potty as well-too cute. Justin was into ring around the rosie, running around the tent upstairs and then he would fall boom on his butt. He was laughing so hard and so were we. Nicole joined in for a bit. They were pretty hyper and silly tonight but were cracking us up.


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