March 13th, 2009 by melissa

This morning we dropped daddy off at work so he could bike home. Justin just loved all the trucks out this morning. So cute listening to him, he wants to drive them all. We played at home for a while, then decided to head out to the mall. I wanted to go to Gymboree for some jeans for Nicole. We had a great time at the mall. I decided while we were there to get the kid’s hair cut. Justin looks so much older.


Nicole loved sitting in the rocket ship and Justin sat on my lap. They both watched Dora.Then we played in the play area. The kids loved pretending to hide and I had to find them. They also love jumping off things. Grandpa came as well for a little while. The kids took their doll strollers and loved pushing them around the mall. We went to play on the lights but they were gone. So we went to the pet store and there fountains. The kids watched TV in Gymboree while I shopped then we headed to the toy store. The kids played trains for a while and Nicole played with a doll house too. I couldn’t believe it but we were having so much fun the kids weren’t interested in eating lunch. Finally at 12:45 we ate and they were hungry. It was so nice just not rushing around and having a fun day. Driving home Justin was so talky, again looking at all the cars and trucks. He wanted to drive this old car, the biggest trucks, etc. Usually Nicole is the talky one. When we got home we watched TV. We played outside in the back yard for a while. The kiddos helped me garden for a while, then they put dirt in the frisbee and called it gardening. The kids helped me sweep the front walkway then we played on the greenbelt. So fun we played catch and rocket. The kiddos got on their scooters and we scootered down the street looking for daddy. We found him and came in and made dinner. Then we went out to Dairy Queen, it was so good and fun! The kiddos played happily upstairs and we read books. I didn’t think they would go right to bed, but they did.

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