Bret is off from work today. The kids have been a little more independent today, but still a bit needy. We just played at home in the morning. Both kids wanted to wear their goat shirts. We played trains, dollhouse, crystal climbers, laptops….We met Paula and gang by the train path so the kiddos could ride bikes. They love watching the trains too. After we went to our My Gym class. The kids had a great time. Nicole had a little trouble listening as she was distracted by a little boy name Luke. She was doing everything he was. When the instructor asked the kids what their favorite movie was Nicole said “we don’t watch movies”. Justin’s turn and Nicole said he doesn’t watch movies either. We met dad at In N Out Burger for lunch. We were hungry. After we went to the Toy store to try and look for dollhouse stuff for Nicole. We had no luck but the kiddos played all throughout the store. We got home and the kiddos watched Curious George and Sesame Street. The kids seem to really like Curious George these days. Justin was bored of Sesame Street, so him and daddy headed to the park. I waited for Nicole to finish watching and went to meet Dad and Justin. Nicole saw Abby Cadaby that she wanted to put on her costume, so cute! The kids rode their bikes a bit. Nicole fell so we just sat on the grass and hung out. I told her lots of stories and talked about how I used to fall off my bike. We then headed to the play part. Nicole was into making cupcakes and cakes out of sand, we were mixing, adding ingredients. Justin and daddy were having fun climbing rocks. After we went out for Chinese food and went out for frozen yogurt. The kids were so excited for their treat. They even drink the last drops out of their bowls. We came home and went upstairs. Justin seemed very hyper but both kids went right to sleep. I am so confused since today is Monday and Bret is off.