Tis The Season
Tis the Season of runny noses. The kids have a runny nose, so I decided to keep them out of pre school. Hopefully other parents will keep their sick kids away. At first I was disappointed I wasn’t getting a break but then I had such a great day with the kids that it didn’t matter. I had to do a call with the insurance adjuster this morning. The kiddos played so well while I was on the phone, I was so proud of them. I was prepared to turn on the TV but didn’t need to. After we went to go get my car washed since I needed to take it to a body shop (insurance requested) to prove there is no damage to my car. The kids loved watching mama’s car get washed. We stopped at the grocery store on the way home and the kiddos were great big helpers. Nicole is wanting to wear her goat shirt (pink polo) and pink shorts but it is so cold. I finally let her wear them but ended up changing her in the car. So I asked Nicole and Justin if they wanted to go to the park. Justin says yeah in the bike trailer, so I ask Nicole if she wants to go in the bike trailer and I get “I am thinking of taking my own bike”, It was so funny the way she said it too. So after keeping my kids away from friends their noses were not bad at all, better to be safe than sorry. I gave the kiddos a bath.
We headed to Castle Park. The kids wanted to ride their bikes there. They did so well listening, waiting for me to cross the street with them, etc. We biked around the track then went to the park. The kids had a great time today and we ran into Maggie and Aliya. I brought my camera and practiced taking pictures a bit. And when you see Nicole’s helmet on she just insists on wearing it backwards.
After the park, the kids biked home and loved looking at the Christmas decorations. Affter dinner we played CandyLand. It is getting easier to play with them but it is still a challenge. They played trains for a while and then our nightly routine. They were tired tonight and fell asleep quickly.