Day With Friends
It was great Nicole slept in until about 8:15, so hopefully she will be a happy little girl today. She really needed to sleep. We got the house ready as I am hosting play group today. The kiddos played really well. In fact weren’t too interested in eating breakfast until 9:15ish. Found the gardener and he is going to fix sprinklers so hopefully our backyard will be done soon. The kids played so well this morning while I got ready for play group. They were upstairs most of the time. When they came down stairs all their blankets followed them and they found their old pacifiers. They were loving it. Of course I yelled up there and said what are you doing? and I got making a mess and thats what they did. So silly. We had a great play group today and my kiddos did so well. Most kiddos went upstairs and some of the kids used Nicole’s clothes as dress up, too cute. All the kids played nicely, it was great. After everyone left I fed my kiddos and they played pretend baking cookies. Is it ok that I let them play with the oven while I cleaned up from play group. They have been so nice to each other, asking nicely for toys and sharing so well. So they are baking pies, cookies, hams, canteloupes, plums in the oven, so silly to watch them communicate with one another. We went to the grocery store and the kiddos were so good. They are loving helping me so I try to find things for them to do. They pushed the carts and picked out food to put in it. They love emptying their carts. When you walk in there is a security TV and the kids just love seeing themselves on TV. Oh and on the way to the grocery store the kids saw a Starbucks and said we like going there with daddy. And then Nicole said I like when he says shoot but I don’t like the word heck. We came home and Grammy was here. We sat outside in the yard and the kiddos played really well. The kids made us laugh. They dumped water under Grammy’s legs for some reason. Not sure why but it was silly. Grammy played some catch with them as well. I got some laundry done and Bret finished painting Justin’s bed. We all had dinner. Grammy had to go home to get ready for her trip tomorrow to Canada to see Todd, Lisa, Meghan, and Henry. We went upstairs and got ready for bed. The kiddos cleaned up their room, they took all the blankets out of the drawers. We read books and thankfully they fell asleep pretty quickly.