Archive for December, 2008


Monday, December 1st, 2008

This morning we decided to go to Disneyland. We have been going so much since getting passes, but it is so much fun. We met some friends there, Janet and Krista. We got on lots of rides but the park was getting really crowded. The new ride we went on was Peter Pan, Justin loved it but Nicole was a little scared. We stayed at the park for a while. I did loseĀ  my cell phone for a couple hours and luckily found it. We came home and the kdidos watched Thomas then we went outside to play with Maggie and Aliya. The kids had a great time on their scooters and bikes. It was getting cold so we came in. Justin went to play trains and Nicole decided to use the sit and spin as an ice skating rink; she kept saying she was ice skating and almost falling. The kiddos played really well while I cooked dinner, probably because they were separated. After dinner was a dif’t story. So many fights broke out at the train table. The kiddos are pretty tired so I think everything is exagerated a bit. Finally we each took a kid and played laptop with them. We went upstairs and the kids wanted to read immediately. It is amazing how much they love books. Everyone went to bed pretty quickly-yeah! Here is a cute pic of the kids all dressed up for the family pic.

We Are Decorated

Monday, December 1st, 2008

Today was spent decorating mostly the outside of the house, daddy was such a trooper and put lights everywhere. Along the garage and up to the front, we wrapped palm trees. Can’t wait to see what it looks like tonight. The kids played relatively well outside while we worked. Justin brought out his truck with the trailer and pushed it all around. Nicole followed by pushing her Barbie car. The kids did bubbles, rode their scooters down the driveway, and were just really busy. Yesterday before bed Justin was saying Thanksgiving platter and cracking up-it was so funny. So at lunch he continued and we got it on video. Not sure why it is so funny. After lights we gave the kiddos a bath. Then got ready to take our family Christmas photo. The kids looked so adorable. I can’t believe how big they are getting. The pictures came out ok. Hard to get everyone looking and smiling at the same time. I even tried to bribe the kids for a good picture. After dinner we played some more and I tried to clean up around here. For some reason the house always gets to be a mess on the weekends. Nicole is still awake and it is almost 9:00-ugh. Here are some pics of the kiddos room all painted and with Justin’s top.