April 4th, 2010 by melissa

Happy Easter! Kids make it so exciting. We dyed eggs this morning. The kids loved it. I wrote messages on the eggs too like I love you and their names. We dyed a lot of eggs. We also gave the kiddos their chocolate bunny after we finished dying eggs. Here are some pics:

They loved eating their bunny. Obviously it was too big for them, so dad melted it down. He put nuts and raisins in chocolate. Really good but I think the kids will guard their bunny next year. We decided to head to the park, monkey bar park. Nicole did the monkey bars a few times and decided she didn’t have any energy and was cold. Dad and Justin flew the kite and Nicole and I waited in daddy car for them. It was nice and warm in the car plus she had fun pretending she was driving. It was funny she seemed under the weather again but when we got home she was her normal self again. It was nice as the rest of the day she was so happy and go lucky. The kids watched the movie Cars while I went to the grocery store. The store was packed. Justin loved the movie of course, Nikki not so much. We hid eggs while the kids were watching. Lots of eggs. It was so fun watching them.

They loved opening all their eggs and also shared them. Justin got a King (Dinoco) car that he has been wanting. It didn’t fit in the egg though. So the kids started playing cars together. The kids and I were down playing and dad was upstairs. All of a sudden dad yells earthquake. It was scary as it seemed to last for almost a minute. We all stood in the doorway. The kids didn’t seem to be bothered or scared of it.  It was so nice this afternoon the kids actually played together. They were having a great time and you can tell Nicole is much better. Dad and I put a marble thing together. After dinner we rewarded the kids for playing so well together with a few games of Mario Cart on the Wii. We went upstairs and Justin became a tickle monster. He was so giggly. Nicole and I while not getting tickled were having a tea party with her animals. I never ever let the kids touch my hair or brush it as it gets too puffy. But I let Justin brush it out tonight, he liked it but not so gentle with the knots. We read some books and off to bed the kids went.

I forgot something. Nicole mentioned that she has been to Antartica. When I told her we hadn’t she said yes we did when we went to the mountains, Big Bear. She was disappointed and asked when we would be going to Antartica to see real snow. She cracks me up.

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